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Pream Pizzeria

Brand Design
Sheffield based Pizza Truck P.R.E.A.M started in 2023 and needed some sweet branding to help them stand out in the potentially competitive market. Owner and entrepreneur Fabio is a long time lover of all things Hip Hop so couldn’t resist the urge to name the company in honour of a classic Wu Tang Clan Song ‘CREAM’. PREAM stands for ‘Pizza Rules Everything Around Me’.
    With this in mind I knew the logo needed to take inspiration from the aesthetic of hip hop culture, so I went with a 90’s styling for the font, and a record label inspired logo mark, without of course forgetting the main ingredient, pizza! I chose to illustrate this in a rough hand drawn style to represent the rustic and authentic hand made pizzas the guys are making, but then cleaned it up to make a solid recognisable logo, contrasting the hand drawn pizza with the clean straight lines of the label. This logo mark and logo type make for a flexible brand, where either can be used where necessary while remaining distinct and recognisable.