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OFFSET Creative Conference

Branding, Social Media Campagin, Editoiral Design,
Spatial Design & Web Design

Almost immediately after graduating from my degree I moved to Dublin and began an internship, alongside two of my fellow graduates, with the renowned design conference OFFSET. Since it’s birth in Dublin in 2009 OFFSET has succeeded to inspire and educate far and wide within the creative industry, and in recent years has even spread across the waters to London and most recently Sheffield.
    Our job as design interns was to create the entire campaign for OFFSET Sheffield 2016. The brief outlinedthat our chosen approach must embody OFFSET’s existing bold, bright, colourful and playful personality. We did exactly that. Using not the speakers, but the speakers tools as our theme we created a surreal and abstract world where the tools held centre stage. These 3D sets – designed, built and painted by ourselves – gave us our main imagery to be used across advertising, social media and throughout the event.
    (The photographs were all shot by Lauren Pritchard, studio manager at OFFSET).