LAFA Energy Drink
Branding, Social Media, Packaging & Web DesignMy close friend, illustrator Tilly Butters, approached me with a project she had been working on for an up-and-coming healthy alternative energy drink. In need of a graphic designer to help with the process I joined her and we went on to create the identity, packaging, social and website graphics for Lafa.
Lafa is different to other energy drinks as the source
of its caffeine comes from Guarana, and it prides itself
on being made from only natural ingredients. The brief was required to reflect this so I used organic shapes and hand lettering throughout the design to give a rustic natural feel. Lafas owner wanted to keep it simple and innocent, but also edgy in order to attract young outdoorsy types.
The project involved developing the brand from scratch, including designing the logo, creating illustrative elements and functional design for the packaging, creating social media content and website graphics.